What bottom-line results will I get?

A simple, gentle, daily movement practice that will help you love your body and know your body as you play, work, rest, heal, and age.

• 4 Sessions on your schedule or ours
• Asynchronous video instruction
in HoM School
• Handouts to help you learn
• Coaching sessions throughout


Four Dynamic Classes . . .

Orientation & Session 1

Learn to Move from the Inside Out

Session 2

Self Awareness and Self Regulation

Session 3

Fine Motor Informs Gross Motor

Session 4

No Symptom Doesn't Mean No Problem

What will I learn?

  1. Infuse your lifestyle with movement that brings joy

  2. Participate in Norman’s ongoing movement, toning, meditation classes

  3. Assess what’s best for your body in everything you do in life, including in any movement class.

  4. Personalize tools that teach you to connect, coordinate and control your physical, physiological, and
    emotional bodies.

  5. Develop building blocks that promote longevity, enhance full function, and work towards eliminating pain.

Enroll by clicking the button below, or book a consultation to learn more!