Our current cohort is going strong,
ending Jan 2024

Next dates for Self-Reg 1&2 TBA

Thank you for your interest! Please email [email protected] to inquire about a waiting list for this program.

Read on for more insights about Self-Regulation at HōM!

Introducing the 6 Keys to Self Regulation

The Six Keys to Self Regulation are the HōM tools used for developing or maintaining a high quality life.

HōM students use these keys to address physical and emotional trauma.

Trauma arises when a hurtful experience leads to potentially debilitating functional and behavioral changes within the autonomic nervous system. HōM works with the premise that any physical, physiological, or psycho-emotional insult into the body - whether it's a severely sprained ankle, herniated disc, irritable bowel or some form of physical or emotional abuse - has the potential for creating a traumatic event.

The 6 Keys to Self Regulation are used to work with trauma big and small, whether physical, emotional, or otherwise.
Norman clasps his hands behind his back.
Learn More About the 6 Keys
"What we can sense we can change. What we can change we can heal." - Norman Allard

What separates those who heal well (not just symptom relief but resolving the underlying problem) and those who don’t is that the successful person is capable of looking inside themselves, questioning, exploring, inquiring, adjusting and creating.

These people constantly access their internal experiences. They dialogue with them many times a day.

In Hierarchy of Movement, clients don’t do as well if they are going through the motions without awareness.

Those who are successful not only in healing but in life in general are the ones who through their sensory awareness, cultivate a present state of mind, and develop the skills, tools, and understanding necessary to look within themselves and make the appropriate changes.

What happens when we look at or observe our life as it is with all of our senses of perception? When we integrate all these avenues of sensation with every cell in the body? When we form a clear awareness of our breath, the beating of our hearts, our anxieties, depressions, joys, and traumas, our physical movements, postures, and alignments? What happens when we do all of this while observing the movements of our thoughts and images without judgment?

A great teacher once said be a light unto yourself. To be a light means to have the courage to relinquish all habits, attachments, and beliefs, and to look at life as it is without past influence or future guessing. In this new light consciousness begins to arise: a consciousness rich with potential and fertile possibilities for positive physical, physiological, and psycho-emotional change.

Listen deeply. It doesn’t take years of rigid discipline to experience. Even a slight open touching of the present moment through sensory awareness is enough to directly observe this possibility of change.

HōM utilizes this awareness to integrate the other five Keys to Self Regulation. Sensory Awareness is the umbrella under which our energy, breath, vagus nerve, integrated differentiation, and posture are connected into a unified power source for healing, learning, and our true potential.
The breath is one of the most important natural rhythms in the body, playing a major role in the health and vibrancy of every cell. The ability to self regulate our physiological reactions and psychological states of mind could never happen without the direct influence of the breathing complex.

Anyone wanting to take control of their stress, significantly reduce pain and tension in the body, or develop a calm and quiet mind will need to work with the breath.

To a large extent, self regulation is about how well we can communicate with and control our autonomic nervous system (ANS). Because this part of our nervous system is on auto-pilot, we must find ways to practice conscious guidance over it.

Neurological breathing enhanced and directed by our awareness is one such tool.

We start neurological breathing by introducing the slow flow breath. A slow, natural pattern of even breath cycles, leading to seamless (fine motor control) transitions between inhalation, exhalation, and corresponding pauses. This very powerful and safe breathing strategy helps to settle down the nervous system, quiet the mind, relax the body, and prepare it for other breathing techniques.

Neurological breathing really begins to earn its name when we then introduce coherent breathing. Coherent breathing utilizes slow flow breathing that focuses on a specific number of breath cycles per minute. It is one of the simplest and yet powerful breathing practices for influencing the ANS. Studies are showing that when practiced regularly and properly, coherent breathing takes the sympathetic and parasympathetic aspects of our ANS and brings them into balance (coherence). In this state of equilibrium, the very involuntary autonomic nervous system becomes increasingly receptive to conscious voluntary guidance and thus greater control and self regulation.

Neurological breathing is an integral and intimate part of the six keys of self regulation. When learned, refined, and thus under our conscious control, these 6 keys help create a chain reaction within the vast network of the ANS, bringing all its many parts together in harmonious self regulated balance.

Other neurological breath practices within the Hierarchy of Movement modality include: Core-assisted breathing, elongated breathing, sustained pause practice, and diaphragmatic pulsing. As part of the six keys of self regulation, neurological breathing teaches us that every one of us can learn to breath better and, in doing so, can improve the quality of our lives.
When it comes to the vagus nerve, self regulation is so much more than a therapeutic approach to health and well-being. It’s a lifestyle.

What does Hierarchy of Movement have in common with the vagus nerve?

Every aspect of the 6 keys of self regulation functions with the intent to help establish, maintain, and enhance a healthy vagal tone and responsiveness.

There has been so much wonderful information presented about the vagus nerve, so when it comes to working directly with it, we take the approach that all aspects of this very large (largest of cranial nerves) and influential nerve need to be connected, coordinated, and ultimately controlled (regulated).


Though there are many independent functions of the vagus nerve, they are all intimately connected. To start to understand these connections we should take a ride along the vagal highway.

The vagus nerve (vagus means wanderer) starts its journey in the brain stem. It neurologically influences almost everything along its path. From the head, neck, face, chest, and heart, to the many organs in the abdomen. As we travel along this neurological highway, we can can stop and visit our sense of taste, our ears and their unique relationship with the heart, our throat, functions within the eyes, our jaws (are we grinding?), the beating of our hearts, the diaphragm esophagus relationship, and the various functions of our belly organs.

With so much diversity of function along this path, it is easy to forget that it is all intimately connected.

In Hierarchy of Movement, we learn to connect the vagal highway by directly sensing its path and the various structures it influences. We do this by utilizing movements and postures that allow us to highlight specific vagal functions. Utilizing the 6 keys we expand from highlighting these specific functions to bringing all the various parts into a delicious whole body integration. Heart, belly, and brain become more effective because of their vagal relationships with each other.

Coordination and Control

The vagus nerve regulates heart and respiratory rates, digestion, immune responses, and other various functions of our belly organs. It helps us control our relationship with fear, anxiety, stress, and trauma. It has been referred to as the meditation highway due to its ability to counteract the debilitating affects of stress.

When we feel calm, quiet, centered, and deeply relaxed, we can thank the vagus nerve for its influence on the parasympathetic nervous system.

Hierarchy of Movement provides a series of programs that progressively enhance our skills at not only connecting all the various specific vagal functions, but also gaining more and more control over their regulating capabilities. As a result, we gain more control of our lives physically, physiologically, and psycho-emotionally. We become more fully connected, coordinated and controlled.
Sit quietly and listen to the various sensations in the body. What does your physical body tell you? Are there parts of you that feel tight? Painful? Restricted? Dull? Disconnected? Cold? Hot?

Physiologically do you sense that you are tired, energized, restless, or lethargic? Is your heart beating fast, slow, or erratically? Is your breathing noisy, quiet, even, deep, or shallow? Do you inhale high up in your chest or lower down in your belly area?

Psycho-emotionally do you feel stressed, anxious, depressed, or scared? Or, do you feel calm, quiet, and at ease?

There are many ways in which sensation is felt in the body. In HōM we look at 2 major similarities that all these bodily sensations have in common.

First, for every thought, feeling, action, and emotion there is a corresponding physiological sensation.

Second, whatever it is we are sensing can be distilled down to that which connects everything together. ENERGY.

In HōM we not only look at sensation as the conscious recognition of energy, we look at the QUALITY of the sensation as a determinant of HOW that energy is moving through us.

How energy is moving through can be felt in 3 general ways. Solid, Fluid, and Subtle.
    When Energy in our body is Solid:

    • We sense our bodies and the world around us as separate parts.

    • We often feel tense, painful, or anxious. Traumatic events have more influence over us with energy moving in this way.

    • Often there are blockages in how the energy is moving through our bodies, leading to stagnation, excess, or depletion.

    • Mind and body tend to be fragmented, exclusive. We tend to observe things as black and white.

    • Our minds flow between past and future with little regard for the present moment.

    In an acute healing state, feeling separate and fragmented can be ok if we're trying to treat a particular symptom. But, understanding how that symptom connects and influences the body as a whole is difficult to understand and connect to.

    When Energy in our body is Fluid:

    • Our bodies and minds evoke a state of quiet, steady, inclusive flow.

    • The body feels more connected and integrated.

    • Our minds are more clear, present.

    • We literally can feel our cells, the movement of breath, blood and other fluids in the body.

    • We sense more clearly how our various traumas influence the mind and body as a whole.

    • We have more control over our self-regulation than we did in the solid body.

    • We approach healing and self-regulation from a more holistic point of view.

    When Energy in our body is Subtle:

    • We experience a deep, nurturing, quiet sense of connectedness with all things.

    • There is a powerful sense of equanimity.

    • We find it easy to remain fully present. It is here that we have great control over ourselves and the greatest amount of well-being. Here healing has its most powerful influence.

    In HōM we recognize the Solid, Fluid, and Subtle energetic manifestations as important parts of who we are. Each contributes to our healing and overall potential. And no matter what it is we are working on (migraine headaches, post surgical hip replacement, anxiety, an injured low back, etc.) we use all Six Keys and the many tools at our disposal to ensure that each part of our body connects, coordinates, and supports the other parts.
There is no such thing as an isolated problem.

If you’ve ever sprained your ankle you probably know how debilitating it can be. But did you know that this same sprained ankle -- if not properly rehabilitated -- could contribute to the development of an ulcer, irritable bowel, or another seemingly unrelated mind-body issue? It could even diminish your ability to self regulate.

Whether it’s a sprained ankle, a postural imbalance, trauma, stress, abuse, or emotional upheaval, the little problems which arise in life often compound to become bigger, systemic issues affecting the entire autonomic nervous system ("ANS"). HōM addresses not only the small, initial stages of a problem, but also the big, more expansive complications that can arise. We called this unique approach Integrated Differentiation.

Integrated Differentiation works in reverse order. It starts with Differentiation, and then moves to Integration.

Why? Because what can be differentiated can much more readily be healed. Precise differentiated movements allows us to go more deeply into the nooks and crannies of our functionality where much of the dysfunction resides. Through Differentiation, HōM practitioners learn to isolate and focus deeply on the primary physical sources of a problem. Using the principle that "inner informs outer," HOM teaches movement strategies that progress from the intrinsic layers of joints, tendons, ligaments and deep fascia (the "inner tensegrity") to the smaller fine motor muscles which educate, inform, and refine the outer gross motor muscles and superficial fascia. This inner-to-outer-body approach increases mind-body IQ, decompresses joints and soft tissues, helps heal deep rooted chronic and acute physical trauma, and creates a quieting stress reducing parasympathetic response in the ANS.

Then, through Integration, the primary areas of differentiated focus are united with the mind-body as a whole. This integrated approach helps treat or prevent secondary complications arising from the initial problem. In this way, Integrated Differentiation is the bridge which connects the keys to self regulation to the physical, physiological, or psycho-emotional experience of the practitioner.

When the the 6 keys of self regulation are guided by the concept of Integrated Differentiation, the HōM modality can be understood as the triad for positive change.
What is the first thing you think of when you hear the word posture? For me it was chest up, head high, don’t slump. Once when I was testifying in court in support of a client, I started explaining the many ways his accident had negatively changed his posture.

During the explanation I noticed many of the jurors starting to sit up more fully.  While there is some truth and benefit to how many of us respond upon hearing the word posture, when we go more deeply into it, we begin to realize that posture is much more than just bringing the physical body into alignment. We discover that posture is truly one of the key ingredients for self-regulation. It’s pivotal to our overall health and well-being.

It’s important to understand that physical or structural alignment is not the only goal to achieving healthy postural balance. Imagine you are observing 3 individuals standing in front of you with perfect posture. The one to the right suffers terribly from stress, anxiety, insomnia, headaches, neck pain, difficulties in school, nervousness, and overactivity. The one in the middle has some mild issues, various aches and pains, more of the general problems many of us have. The person to the right exhibits vitality and wellbeing, relaxed and ready to deal with whatever confronts them. They all have the same perfect posture so what is the difference?

Let’s go back to the individual to the right. Imagine yourself in their body with perfect posture (if you do this, be gentle and don’t do it if it doesn’t feel right). As you stand there gently squeeze the floor with your toes, tighten your legs, glutes, abs, clench your jaw, breath shallow quick breaths into your upper chest, tense your fingers. Imagine yourself feeling anxious and fearful.  What you’ve just done is increased the amount of negative tension in your body. Negative tension that could have arisen from physical, physiological of psycho-emotional stress or trauma. What stayed the same is the perfect posture.

HoM recognizes that there are two types of posture. 

Structural posture (represented by our physical balance in stillness and motion).

Functional posture (represented by the amount of positive or negative tension in the body). 

From the example above, some might say tension is bad.

Well, an excess of it is. Especially unconscious tension which can take a dramatic toll on mind and body. Using tension as the neutral term it is, we understand we need tension to live life. So, tension isn’t the bad guy. It’s our excess, out of control lack of awareness tension that magnifies, perpetuates, and organizes much of the unhealthy mischief that takes place in the body.

So, if you want to have healthy postural alignment (structural) it’s important to understand that structural posture is not enough for a high level of health. You also need control over the tensions in your body.

In Hierarchy of Movement™ we look at posture as synonymous with structural and functional balance, related not just to the physical but also the physiological and psycho-emotional bodies (3P’s). To achieve this expanded approach to posture we work simultaneously with both the primary principals of the HoM along with the 6 Keys of Self-regulation.

Perceptual Awareness

We start our mind-body balancing by focusing our Awareness on the body, listening for structural imbalances and negative tensions. Centering the mind by bringing it into the present moment. HōM calls this Perceptual Anatomy (PA). PA allows us to observe, explore, interpret, and adjust whatever mind-body strategy is manifesting in our body, in any given moment.

With PA as our guide, we begin our postural journey with slow, small, subtle movements and postures, progressing from inner to outer body. Listening intently as we slowly bring our body towards alignment. This inner to outer body exploration involves postural strategies that progress from the intrinsic layers of joints, tendons, ligaments and deep fascia (called inner tensegrity). Gross Motor function goes to school on Fine Motor development. Muscularly, working first with the smaller, fine motor muscles deep in the joint, we “educate” our gross motor muscles and superficial fascia.

This approach:
• diminishes negative tension
• increases mind body IQ
• decompresses and balances our bones joints and soft tissues
• helps heal deep rooted acute and chronic physical trauma
• and creates a quieting, stress reducing parasympathetic response in the autonomic nervous system.

Many HoM programs such as Mind in Posture and Six Keys of Self-Regulation focus on structural and functional posture as part of a wholistic system of health and wellbeing.

Below are a few quotes that help support HoM’s approach to posture.

  1. In poor posture, muscles are doing part of the job of bones. Feldenkraais
2. A person with good posture has organized themselves in a way that allows them to move in any direction without hesitation or preparation. Feldenkrais
3. The more we sense the leverage of the bones, the more intelligently and powerfully we move from the muscles. NA
4. As skeletal awareness is refined, muscular tension is proportionately reduced, mental clarity is enhanced, and healthy physiological processes, which can counteract the effects of stress, are perpetuated.  NA
5. Unnecessary tension is parasitic to both structure and function. NA
6. Think about lifting a car with a jack as opposed to using your muscles to do the job. When properly placed, you can lift a whole car! Our bones do that for our everyday lifting and moving. If we are leveraging correctly, using our bones as levers in aligned posture, we need less "muscle"; to move or lift. This way, we're not engaging in unnecessary tension. That allows more efficient use of our energy and makes us less prone to injury. Debra Whitehead
7. Posture is not static. Posture requires our ongoing awareness as we move through life’s moments both in our minds as well as in our bodies. And our nervous system receives a natural education from that. I find so much joy in seeing my progress. Debra Whitehead

Self-Regulation Dates TBA

Experience the result of Norman Allard's latest research.

Self-Regulation is a twenty-week course in which Norman premiers his latest work regarding self-regulation. By the end of the course, students will develop a daily self-regulation practice.

Students who enroll receive access to all twenty live classes and access to the class recordings. The cost of this course is included in the cost of membership. Keep scrolling to learn more.

This Course Requires Commitment

To ensure Norman can properly monitor each student, all students are asked to complete the entire program, to complete all classes in order, and to attend the live version of the class whenever possible with their video on.

If you can commit to these three requirements, you're invited to join in the next round of Self Regulation. Dates coming soon!

Want to learn more? Keep scrolling!

Membership is Required and Space is Limited

At this time, membership is required to take the self-regulation course.

The cost of this course is included in the cost of membership. Membership must be active as of the first day of class to gain access. Therefore, students may preregister as soon as preregistration opens yet wait to become members until as late as the first day of class. Access to the course - including access to all live classes and recordings - will terminate upon termination of membership.

Additionally, space is currently very limited to ensure Norman can adequately monitor all participants.

Keep scrolling to learn more.

How You'll Feel

You may experience the following benefits as a result of this course.

  • Relax on Demand

    Develop the capacity to choose the level of tension you’re experiencing in a given moment in your life so you can be more of who you want to be.

  • Reduce Physical Pain

    Reduce migraines, tinnitus, TMJ symptoms, neck, back, and shoulder pain, and other musculo-skeletal problems.

  • Feel Good and Function Well

    Improve immune response, reduce anxiety, and feel centered, balanced, calm, and joyful.

Optional Practices with Norman

Study the self-regulation sequence and ask questions, every other Sunday at 8AM Mountain Time.

All who enroll are invited to join Norman every other Sunday via Zoom at 8AM Mountain Time to practice the self-regulation sequence. This is a casual opportunity to ask Norman questions and refine understanding of the sequence. These sessions are in addition to the instructive sessions, which air live Fridays at 12:15PM Mountain Time. These sessions will be available for the duration of the program. Full list of dates coming soon!

Gain Access to Subsequent Self-Regulation Courses

This course is a prerequisite for future self-regulation programming.

Norman is already creating additional self-regulation courses.

Self Regulation Testimonials

“Simple and informs me how my body works and how I can participate in making all parts move more easily. It gives me more comfort moving around every day. I place my palms over my eyes, head and neck and those parts come more alive and help heal every cell. Now how simple is that.

I can pulse standing up flexing my knees and move chi throughout my body, improve my immune system and aid digestion. Just knowing that is happening motivates me to pulse when I feel sluggish. This isn't in the Self Regulation steps but is done during the class!

I have scoliosis and live with no pain as a result of this class. I can open my chest and shoulders more and more even at 86! I can hold my head and neck up straighter now and that releases discomfort. My toes and feet are more flexible. During class I always felt comfortable. And most of all learned how to adjust my particular body to the moves to keep safe and at ease.

There's a Q&A session at the end of each class for more explanation of the moves. This is very helpful to get my individual question answered. Norm is an excellent, patient teacher. And most of all respectful of all our capabilities and questions.”

Ann Griffin, Self Regulation Student

“The exquisitely subtle movements were totally complimentary to my chiropractic work re: TMJ and a cervical injury from a car accident. The additional benefits are peace and quietness which last through the day. This practice has definitely been a win-win!”

V.L., Self Regulation Student

“After studying "self-regulation" with Norman and Debra, I'm maybe beginning to learn what it means. Regulating of self. I certainly experience a quieting of my mind with the focus on the practice. That leads to a quieting and a centering and growing tall in my body. Somatic Peace. And almost impossible to describe I have a sense I love of connecting with, and being encouraged by, my spirit during this practice. So I'm finding it serve me, mind, body and spirit in a very holistic fashion.

In my 30s I loved going to NIA classes. Learning the movements, each step, was a super good exercise for me. Now in my 70's I find it more valuable to be learning this self regulation dance. It's slow, but I feel I am getting it more and more.”

Charles L. Steinberg, Self Regulation Student

“I am finding Self Regulation courses to be very calming to my nervous system and helping me to remember that I deserve to be kind to my body.

I love the covering of the eyes, the nose and mouth and the mask … I find myself doing these exercises many times during the day.

The core breathing is also wonderful and helps me to find rhythm as we progress as well as throughout the day and especially when I awaken in the night; my mind quiets and I fall back to sleep!!!

Jane Carlough-Meline, Self Regulation Student

“For at least a year I've had a tendency to jam my tongue up to the right side of my mouth when I'm stressed. It throws off everything including alignment and digestion. Self Regulation practice made me aware of it every time it happened - and now it's gone. I'm thrilled. Thanks Norman. ”

Jill Tucker

“This course has helped me be more generally aware of my body and how I hold and use it. I find myself coming back to my sensation frequently throughout the day, noticing what is tense or contracted and relaxing. Taking a minute to do the core breathing which has become a part of the practice. As a consequence, my energy level seems to be more robust and even. Aside from the beauty of the form and the pleasure in practice, I also so appreciated the insightful verbal teaching with which Norman starts his class, giving in depth insight into the deeper impact of the movements. I love the course just the way it is! And what a blessing that it is all recorded to go back and study the nuances again. There is always more to learn. ”


Self Regulation Student Testimonial

Jane Carlough-Meline


Email Debra at [email protected].