Take Foundations to the Next Level

As we take our Foundations Practice to new levels, we are dedicated to cultivating the true definition of what it means to be mentally and physically strong.

· Mind-body strength and, really, success in any endeavor requires your awareness of the balance and interplay between relaxation and exertion in any movement, whether lifting weights or
making your bed!

· We strengthen our minds by
cultivating calm.

· We strengthen our bodies by toning from the bones – so toning from the inside out! Just like you learn in Foundations.

Bring Calm as We Begin.

· We start classes by quieting the mind and bringing our breath into balance.

· Then we move slowly and deeply into the nooks and crannies of our joints getting to the root of so many of our
physical problems.

We do Jointercises!

· These movements, which I call Jointercises, decompress, internally massage, and lubricate your joints. And then we move to address your whole body.

· We highlight specific areas of the body and then integrate and educate your body as a whole system.

We do Restorative Yoga!

· These jointercises are complimented with restorative yoga postures utilizing bolsters and other supportive props.

· Restorative Yoga assists with integrating specific movements into your whole body and helps you enjoy sweet calmness through the class.

Jointercises and Restorative Yoga help you calm your mind and feel delicious.

We Utilize the 6 Keys to Self Regulation!

Utilizing the 6 keys of self-regulation which underlies all our work together, we enhance mind-body awareness, reduce or eliminate pain, and restore healthy function to the spine, knees, hips, shoulders, all over!