YMBA work the whole musculoskeletal system and more.

· Intelligent and Safe, we use Yoga, Movement, Breath, and Awareness to continue our journey from the
inner body outward.

· We focus on developing strength, flexibility, grace, balance, and inner quiet (picture showing each).

➡️Your skeleton provides leverage.

➡️Your joints are fulcrums.

➡️Add our muscles to create the whole movement system.

We learn a unique and important awareness in YMBA classes.

· With our awareness we connect and coordinate our movements, so our fine motor muscles are informing our gross motor muscles, tendons,
ligaments and fascia.

· All with the purpose of physically becoming strong, flexible, graceful, and balanced. While mentally experiencing more calm, joy, happiness, and peace.

· Our bodies become smarter, more able to meet the demands we put on them.

How do YMBA classes influence my daily life?

Put simply, if you take regular classes consistently (about 2x/week is helpful), you will find that all aspects of your
life will improve.

Some of the results we hear from HōM YMBA students…

· My running is more efficient, and my knees no longer bother me.

· I sleep better.

· My urinary incontinence went away.

· I no longer get headaches when I
play the violin.

· I can ride and race on my mountain bike without my low back seizing up.

· I feel much calmer and don’t overreact.

· My downhill ski partners drool over how I now go down a XX slope!

· And we’ve heard from bodyworkers, PT’s, acupuncturists, and even physicians that their clients who practice YMBA help make their work easier.